Don Helmke, a long-time Stoughton resident, American Legion member and a friend to all, passed away on November 23. Thanks to all who have shown their respects by donating to the Stoughton Veterans Memorial in his memory. If you would care to contribute, memorial donations can be made here at the SVM donation page.
Although the traditional Memorial Day events were cancelled this year, VFW Post 328 and American Legion Post 59 conducted a brief ceremony at the Veterans Memorial Park.
On Memorial Day, Stoughton VFW Post 328 will be holding a fundraiser in support of the Stoughton Veterans Memorial. This drive-through Chicken BBQ Fundraiser will run from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm on Monday, May 25.
Sadly, the Freedom Ride 2020 has been cancelled. The Freedom Ride is an important fundraiser for the memorial, consistently raising a substantial amount which is used for ongoing maintenance and operational expenses.
If your means allow, donations to help offset this loss can be made online at:
The Raise the Flag campaign is a Stoughton city-wide community effort sponsored by Thrivent Financial to raise funds for the Stoughton Veterans Memorial and service groups that install the flags. Tomorrow, on Flag Day (June 14, 2020), they’ll be waving again.